Where do we Start: With your Challenges, Opportunities and corresponding Goals

Let me state an anti-pattern, which occurs in the management consulting business from time to time: "We don't start at the client's problem and the most suitable approach - we apply a standard offering with the corresponding standard approach, and weight of currently available consultant team(s), framework know-how, real-life experience & seniority levels, conflicting staffing requests and the overall pricing/cost ratio optimum."

There might be understandable reasons for this from the consultancy's perspective, but it might not be in the best interest of a specific client. What we can assure our existing and prospective clients:

  • We are interested in what your specific situation is.
  • We listen carefully.
  • We start with a white sheet of paper to map out our consulting approach specifically tailored to your context, although we have standard frameworks for our core service in our backhand.
  • You know which lead consultant you will get, and it will be the same person who has created the specific consulting approach.

So, to inspire you, let me walk you through typical challenges and opportunities that our clients encounter, depending on their specific pivot point.

We start with the client pivot point.
We start with the client pivot point.

Typical Types of Pivot Points

Pivot Point - Individual

A single person is in focus - typical someone in a management, executive or board position.

Pivot Point - Team

A specific team is in focus - either hierarchically embedded or defined as a virtual team.

Pivot Point - Organization

An entire organization is in focus - either as part of a larger organization or as a standalone entity.

Multiple / Complex

Multiple pivot points have to be considered - ideally, this is individually discussed to grasp the situation.