Assist in Resolving a Conflict Situation
Typical triggers where we can help:
• Getting a neutral status, unbiased, and free of stakeholder-influence
• Understanding group dynamics and potentials within the conflict
• Identifying resolution scenarios, including win-lose and win-win options
• Facilitating workshops with selected key people to (re-)trigger positive dynamics
• Moderating sessions between agreed stakeholders to work on the core of the conflict
• Planning steps out of the conflict and for the phase(s) afterward
• Planning and eventually executing proper mitigation and escalation measures
• Reflecting on the occurred stages and resolution dynamics to identify lessons-learned
Typical triggers where we can help:
• Getting a neutral status, unbiased, and free of stakeholder-influence
• Understanding group dynamics and potentials within the conflict
• Identifying resolution scenarios, including win-lose and win-win options
• Facilitating workshops with selected key people to (re-)trigger positive dynamics
• Moderating sessions between agreed stakeholders to work on the core of the conflict
• Planning steps out of the conflict and for the phase(s) afterward
• Planning and eventually executing proper mitigation and escalation measures
• Reflecting on the occurred stages and resolution dynamics to identify lessons-learned